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A recap of national ICT headlines for the last few months of 2015 and start of 2016.
A recap of national ICT headlines for the first 8+ months of 2015.
We take a deeper dive on top stories of the week including the prospect for African e-commerce, the growing adoption of tablets in African education, the nuances of local content, and more.
We take a deeper dive on top stories of the week including solar-powered schools, lower tariffs for Gabon, South Africa’s access divide, Africa’s mobile money lead, African 5G, Eritrea’s internet stats, and Libyan voter registration.

Most internet traffic in Zimbabwe is not local to local (67% goes undersea to London). Local content is needed (networks providers and content providers can partner), along with network peering and IXPs. But, data centres require power and connectivity.
African ICT news headlines, perspectives, and briefs from early June 2014 represent 36 countries.