Posts tagged with:
Instead of a post on how Malians are using social media to promote the now-delayed April 29th, 2012 presidential elections, we turn to see how social media has been used to spread information of a military coup on March 22, 2012.
Intrigued by BizTechAfrica’s post “What Zimbabweans search for online,” we decided to take examine 2011’s Google search trends for all sub-Saharan African nations with available data (there are 37 of them).
Google’s UneHistorie YouTube Channel allows users to create a video using screenshots of Google search results. The idea is to tell a story to the world by using up to 6 different search strings. An interesting service, for sure.
We wouldn’t have discovered this resource had it not been for a …
ABN Digital (Africa Business Network) is “the continent’s first and only pan-African real-time financial and business television network.” In aiming to create an online platform for the financial story of Africa, ABNDigital often produces segments on telecoms.
AfricaCom conference in Cape Town generates ideas, stories from Ghana and Uganda
TEDx Nairobi, a series of local and self-organized events that brought people together to share a TED-like experience may have taken place this past September, but videos of the presentations have just made their way online. All 9 speakers are worth a view, but Julie Gichuru’s presentation on her perceived future …