Posts tagged with:
south africa
Our top 10 stories from the past week feature themes relating to elections, tablets, transparency, free Wi-Fi, and more.
African ICT news headlines, perspectives, and briefs from the past couple of weeks include represent 37 countries (among the most we’ve ever seen at once).
African ICT news headlines for the past 2.5 weeks include a diverse grouping of 182 stories from 35 countries.
African ICT news headlines for early March include 118 stories from 27 countries.
Capsule Technologies (Pty) Ltd based in Cape Town, South Africa is working on designing a new Android desktop computer that uses no more than 20 watts of power. This computer should answer the specific needs of Africa, namely, the lack of infrastructure.
African ICT news headlines for the second part of February include 102 stories from 33 countries.