Posts tagged with:
social media
Technology is alive in parts of Centrafrique (ie. Bangui), but media coverage is limited. For one, politics trump all other topics.
The median fan-base for an African leader on Facebook has grown by 15% since June 2011. Presidents of Cameroon and Gabon have added official pages.
In Nigeria, a study says, elections held last April brought the use of social media in the political field to new levels. UN Africa Renewal’s André-Michel Essoungou reports.
Guinea’s legislative elections are to be held on 11/27/2011. How can Nigeria’s experience with crowdsourcing apply to Guinea, a nation where social media is less prominent and fact often gets tangled with fiction?
Twitter accounts come and go, but their efforts are not forgotten. Here are a couple dozen example of once-active African accounts that currently lie dormant.
Over the next nine months, sixteen additional African nations will hold democratic elections, but how much information will be exchanged using the Internet?