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Poignant (and often humorous) quotes made by leaders in the African tech space in March 2012.
Intrigued by BizTechAfrica’s post “What Zimbabweans search for online,” we decided to take examine 2011’s Google search trends for all sub-Saharan African nations with available data (there are 37 of them).
Google event in South Africa, 3G stats from the ITU, ICT conference in Senegal
New ICT centre in the Gambia, NCC leader urges others to liberalize telecoms markets, Zimbabwe’s fibre-program nears completion

The working paper that produced the above image is worth a read, but this graph is especially captivating:
In the early years of cell phone use (1995-2000) there was little demand and incumbent operators simply controlled all mobile traffic. Those with cell phones either had them through the government or could …
Mobile e-learning, digital villages expand, behind the scenes in advance of the World Cup