Posts tagged with:
mobile data
Mobile phone data is making it easier to monitor food shortages in real-time. A study in Central Africa provides further support.
A 10-week Google study at the University of Ghana found that mobile internet users with greater price transparency were able to go online 7% more often and spend 19% less on Internet credit than a control group.
Our top 10 stories from the past week feature a SMS ban in Central African Republic, annual doubling of SSA’s mobile data usage, Google’s plan to deliver satellite-based Internet, and more.
Ericsson aggressively projects that, by 2020, Sub-Saharan Africa will see 75% of mobile subscriptions as WCDMA/HSPA/LTE (3G or 4G).
Our top 10 stories from the past week feature themes relating to mobile money, tech ecosystems, local content, solar power, and more.
In 2014, there is a trend in African telcommunication markets towards data offerings. At least eight countries have introduced prepaid bundle services.