Posts tagged with:
mobile broadband
A World Bank report on the state of the Middle East and North Africa’s broadband landscape examines how to develop each market through a combination of policy, infrastructure, and competition.
Deloitte recently completed an in-depth analysis of the African mobile telecommunications market that aptly covers all aspects of the current mobile telecoms business in Africa, from recent trends to operational strategies to new opportunities.
As of September 2013, less than 6% of African mobile network traffic is devoted to video. But, the share of video data is expected to grow faster than in any other region…ever.
A recent ITU report examines global ICT development, the cost of broadband, and how youth are driving internet usage. We’ve broken out how trends apply to African countries.
Part two of this week’s African tech news round-up consists of 30 stories about how technology is changing Africa.
Highlights from the LTE Africa conference held in July 2013 include statistics, outlook, and recommendations for industry players.