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Perhaps no application of technology is as helpful as the benefits of mobile health. E-government, m-banking, e-learning, and e-commerce certainly have their respective places in societal advancement, but the immediate need for health information trumps them all. Mobile health has been around for some time, but has only recently seen …
Barcamp Benin, “new colonialism”, IPv6 Day, MTN growth, new cybercafe business model, mHealth reports, women in tech on the rise, Visa enters m-banking, ITU report
Health & e-governance are hot topics, Ghanaian writers and the Internet, South African fibre, MainOne/Seacom agreement, USA firms eye Kenya

28 entrepreneurs predict mobile advances.
14 stories on Google/Senegal relations, mHealth data collection, rural e-learning, 4G defined, E. African editorials, m-commerce