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Our top 10 stories from the past week feature made in Africa tablets, PayPal, new TV white spaces trials, and more.

Most internet traffic in Zimbabwe is not local to local (67% goes undersea to London). Local content is needed (networks providers and content providers can partner), along with network peering and IXPs. But, data centres require power and connectivity.

The 4th Annual African Peering Interconnection Forum addressed the key interconnection, peering, and traffic exchange opportunities and challenges on the continent.
The week-long 20th East African Communications Organization (EACO) Congress and Exhibition addressed issues pertinent to the ICT sector in the East African region.

On our mind this April 24th, 2012 are a range of themes – from regionalism to Egypt to energy.
Internet exchange points (IXPs) continue to make local delivery more efficient and plans are in place to create many across Africa in the coming years.