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A recent presentation by the managing director of Real Image, one of Swaziland’s leading Internet Service Providers, sheds light on Swaziland’s internet history.
35 videos shared on YouTube by various sources in the five months from September 2013 – February 2014 highlight the diverse ways in which the internet is poised to improve African society.

The 2nd annual Arab Internet Governance Forum was recently held in Algiers, Algeria under the theme “Partners for Development.” Discussions focused on cyber security, freedom of the internet, the creation of infrastructure, and youth opportunities.
African network latency has been decreasing as redundancy has been improving. The result is more robust fibre networks.

Benin’s second annual ‘Semaine de l’internet’ sought to improve the availability, quality, and conditions of access to the Internet.

Cote d’Ivoire’s Internet exchange point (IXP) has been nonoperational since 2009 but will soon become live once again.