Posts tagged with:
internet censorship

Of sixteen African nations surveyed from May 2013 through May 2014, only two were found to have true online freedom. If anything, governments expanded online controls.

Our top 10 stories from the past week features the ‘hype cycle’, attracting tech investment, Net Neutrality, a mobile health infographic, and more.

Of fourteen African nations surveyed from May 2012 through April 2013, only two (Kenya and South Africa) were found to have true online freedom. Sudan and Ethiopia were found to lack it.

A recent study of Internet freedom finds Ethiopia to be the most censored, followed by Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Rwanda. Tunisia is freer than ever.
A handful of inspirational quotes made by leaders in the African tech space in June 2012.

Egypt, Tunisia, and Eritrea continue to limit freedom of the Internet in 2012.