Posts tagged with:
ict training

ICTs raise awareness of the need to improve women’s rights. There needs to be even greater policy intervention, however.

A year-long study at four Ericsson Connect To Learn schools in rural Kenya and Uganda confirms many known challenges faced by remote schools.

The 87-page Connecting Africa Main Report, launched by AfDB during the Transform Africa 2013 summit assesses goals set in 2007 and provides an updated outlook for African ICT development.

Senegal hosted a Forum National sur la Gouvernance de l’Internet on September 19, 2013. The event, with three key panels, was organized by ISOC Senegal under the theme of economic development.

The National Broadband Strategy for Kenya is a long-term initiative that is expected to contribute to Kenya’s goal of becoming a true knowledge-based economy by the year 2030.

From April 6-14, 2013, the 2nd annual Mondoblog training took place in Dakar, Senegal. However, this was no ordinary training.