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ICT Policy

The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) has just released “The Affordability Report 2013” which attempts to understand why only some countries have succeeded in creating universal Internet access.
South Africa’s new broadband policy outlines a series of steps needed to create a “dynamic and connected vibrant information society and a knowledge economy that is more inclusive, equitable and prosperous.”

New research conducted by World Wide Web Foundation and Open Data Institute finds African open data initiatives to have good intentions but limited reach and impact.

The 87-page Connecting Africa Main Report, launched by AfDB during the Transform Africa 2013 summit assesses goals set in 2007 and provides an updated outlook for African ICT development.

CTO Forum 2013 served as another means of bringing together ministers, experts, and policymakers who have the ability to drive down internet access costs for African consumers.

The 2nd annual Arab Internet Governance Forum was recently held in Algiers, Algeria under the theme “Partners for Development.” Discussions focused on cyber security, freedom of the internet, the creation of infrastructure, and youth opportunities.