Stellenbosch is reportedly the first town in South Africa to provide free WiFi for all residents.
Google, in a partnership with Basis Research Ltd, released an interactive dataset based on survey data from 2010 and 2011.
The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) announces its first conference on the topic of Broadband as a Platform for Video in Africa, on May 22nd and 23rd, 2012 in Lusaka, Zambia.
Poignant (and often humorous) quotes made by leaders in the African tech space in March 2012.
Bi-weekly African ICT news roundup, featuring stories from Rwanda, Sudan, South Africa, Kenya, Zambia, Seychelles, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Libya, Mozambique, Cameroon, and more.
ICT plans are easy to discuss, but are hard to implement.
oAfrica is a showcase of the dynamic African digital landscape. We addresse a variety of aspects of African Internet connectivity with an understanding that every nation has different tools and ideologies to utilize. Although every African citizen may not have the chance to access the Internet for years to come, African digital opportunities are rapidly expanding. We do our best to objectively share those stories.