A Research ICT Africa policy brief from June 2014 asks the question: “Is broadband data worth the money?” The answer depends on where you live.
A recent ITU report examines global ICT development, the cost of broadband, and how youth are driving internet usage. We’ve broken out how trends apply to African countries.
Mobile phone data is making it easier to monitor food shortages in real-time. A study in Central Africa provides further support.
Once again, only two African nations (Tunisia and Mauritius) included in the Web Index 2014 Annual Report (of 86 countries in all) are in the upper half of the rankings.
Youth in Swaziland are turning to social media as an alternative to mainstream media but many are unaware of its dangers.
Abdi Latif Dahir of Sahan Journal takes a unique perspective on how normal people in Somalia are engaging with technology.
oAfrica is a showcase of the dynamic African digital landscape. We addresse a variety of aspects of African Internet connectivity with an understanding that every nation has different tools and ideologies to utilize. Although every African citizen may not have the chance to access the Internet for years to come, African digital opportunities are rapidly expanding. We do our best to objectively share those stories.