Google Ghana’s top searched terms, EASSy in Botswana, Wikileaks exposes Kenya/China ICT relations, .africa still in the works
One year ago, we praised eLearning Africa for giving an opportunity for Africans to “re-create the African collective memory.” Fortunately, eLearning Africa is again sponsoring an African photo competition to show how ICTs are changing the way Africans live.
Digital marketing, Google in West Africa, local language searches, cheaper Internet for universities, the WISP
Libya’s Internet progress is steady, but still has lagged neighbors Tunisia and Egypt.
Access to YouTube appears to have been preemptively cut days before the Libyan Internet as a whole became blocked.
Cheap mobile for SA, Skype and 2G, Zimbabwean web user stats, IBM in Kenya, Libyan social media action
oAfrica is a showcase of the dynamic African digital landscape. We addresse a variety of aspects of African Internet connectivity with an understanding that every nation has different tools and ideologies to utilize. Although every African citizen may not have the chance to access the Internet for years to come, African digital opportunities are rapidly expanding. We do our best to objectively share those stories.