Some African telecoms engage more with users than others.
In May 2011, YooMee, a subsidiary of 4G Africa AG, recently launched 4G services in Douala, Cameroon and Yaounde, Cameroon.The company touted affordable mobile or desktop Internet service with speeds up to 640 kbit/s (more than double the average market offering). An interview with Anat Bar-Gera (Chairperson of 4G Africa …
Generally speaking, heavily Francophone African nations face an extra challenge in communicating developments to the global community. How can they overcome this barrier?
Ghana’s ICT initiatives, Kenyan fiber projects: will SEACOM, TEAMS, or EASSy succeed?, broadband investment in Ethiopia (via U.S. or China?)
In Nigeria, a study says, elections held last April brought the use of social media in the political field to new levels. UN Africa Renewal’s AndrĂ©-Michel Essoungou reports.
3G action: Airtel in Rwanda, Algerian license bidding, Gambian expansion; 4G licensing in South Africa & Kenya, costs addressed in Kenya, Nigeria; new smartphones abound
oAfrica is a showcase of the dynamic African digital landscape. We addresse a variety of aspects of African Internet connectivity with an understanding that every nation has different tools and ideologies to utilize. Although every African citizen may not have the chance to access the Internet for years to come, African digital opportunities are rapidly expanding. We do our best to objectively share those stories.