A summary of Africa’s appeal to telecoms operators, along with the turn-offs.
As nations move up the Internet ladder, they will need to pursue more advanced policies. One example is Nigeria – a nation now in need of a devoted policy to safeguard children.
Kenya continues to prove itself as an innovator and attractor of investment.
Mauritania may very well have the highest rate of online activism per Internet user.
The recent disaster in Congo-Brazzaville highlights the need for a better dissemination of information via mobile technology.
A heavy news week from the largest nations: 58 articles from 15+ countries!
oAfrica is a showcase of the dynamic African digital landscape. We addresse a variety of aspects of African Internet connectivity with an understanding that every nation has different tools and ideologies to utilize. Although every African citizen may not have the chance to access the Internet for years to come, African digital opportunities are rapidly expanding. We do our best to objectively share those stories.