Posts in City Profiles Category
Project Isizwe, an ambitious project to bring free Wi-Fi to the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality in South Africa, has seen enormous user growth since launching in 2013.
A great way to find social media accounts in under-represented African countries is to find a government presence and follow its connections. Such is the case with Mali’s ICT agency.
It is common knowledge that Ethiopia has one of the lowest rates of internet access in all of Africa. But how does the government respond to hard facts?
Thierry Moungalla, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of the Republic of Congo provides insight to the state of mobile adoption in Congo-Brazzaville.
Barcamp Nairobi 2013 strove to visualize the next 50 years of Kenyan tech and should put Kenya in good position to face challenges as they arrive.
The infoasaid project created a robust set of media guides for a variety of under-represented African nations including Chad, Guinea, and Niger.