Posts in Broadband Category
Three telecom operators or wholesellers have announced partnerships that will enhance Somalia’s international broadband connectivity – mostly through fibre – but also via satellite.
Ericsson projects that, by 2019, the Middle East and Africa will see 70% of mobile subscriptions as WCDMA/HSPA (3G).
As of September 2013, less than 6% of African mobile network traffic is devoted to video. But, the share of video data is expected to grow faster than in any other region…ever.
Three massive World Bank projects (in multiple phases) are helping bring affordable broadband connectivity to underserved parts of Africa.
A summary of broadband data from the Second Quarter, 2013 ‘Akamai State of the Internet’ report as it relates to Africa.
A recent ITU report examines global ICT development, the cost of broadband, and how youth are driving internet usage. We’ve broken out how trends apply to African countries.