JumpStart Africa makes crowdfunding available to African entrepreneurs
JumpStart Africa is the first crowdfunding platform to revolutionize the way the world supports Africa by backing innovative projects developed by African entrepreneurs. Simply put, JumpStart Africa is Africa’s Kickstarter.
All entrepreneurs face great challenges – coming up with the perfect idea, finding the time to develop a plan, etc. – but those in Africa have an even harder time securing funding for such projects. Banks aren’t as supportive and investors are generally scarce due to challenging business environments and legal structures. Online payments remain a challenge for many in Africa, but there are a growing number of solutions that allow more people to start and support businesses.
JumpStart Africa aims to change that by creating a uniquely African online platform to attract attention for African entrepreneurs. The process to create a campaign is similar to other crowdfunding campaigns – set a campaign length, set a fundraising goal, create a video, and set perks. What sets JumpStart Africa apart from other crowdfunding sites is a dedication to African ideas. Potential backers already know that all projects on the site are intended to empower African entrepreneurs and can therefore understand the projects through a more refined lens.
Though the site isn’t 100% live, JumpStart Africa is already accepting projects to help aspiring entrepreneurs raise the funding they so desperately need. We had the chance to test-drive the platform and we must say the flow is seamless. Nearly all features are similar to those found on popular sites Kickstarter or Indiegogo (a good thing!). If a project is successfully funded, JumpStart Africa will apply a 10% fee.
In the meantime, we encourage you to signup for the newsletter and better yet, considering submitting a project. Projects can fall into any category (art, comics, craft, design, fashion, film, games, music, photography, publishing, technology are all free game) as long as they lead to an eventual product.
Plus, Jumpstart Africa is hosting a free Q&A session with their Founder, Ahmed Zrikem, on July 31st. This is a great opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators to meet with a seasoned African entrepreneur live via Google Hangout.
Note: JumpStart Africa is accredited by the Crowdfunding Accreditation for Platform Standards (CAPS).
This is awesome. I know a few people that need this 🙂
and we will happily have them on our platform 🙂
would like to do business with south africa customers
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