
These resources provide a depth of analysis that shorter articles can only touch upon. If you have the time, be sure and read some of the free excerpts on Google Books. Also, note how literary attention is turning toward Africa – half of these books are published post-2009.


  1. Lyndsey Gilpin and Jason Hiner. Follow the Geeks. Thirteen75 Publishing, LLC, 2015. Amazon
  2. Jake Bright and Aubrey Hruby. The Next Africa: An Emerging Continent Becomes a Global Powerhouse. Thomas Dunne Books, 2015. Amazon
  3. James T. Murphy and Padraig Carmody. Africa’s Information Revolution: Technical Regimes and Production Networks in South Africa and Tanzania. Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. Wiley
  4. Alex Perry. The Rift: A New Africa Breaks Free. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2015. Amazon


  1. “World Bank. 2014. The Little Data Book on Information and Communication Technology 2014. Washington, DC. © World Bank.
  2. Anne Webb and Ineke Buskens, eds. Women and ICT in Africa and the Middle East. Zed Books, 2014. Zed Books


  1. Christophe Brun, Olivier Sagna et Steven Huter. Historique de l’Internet au Sénégal (1989-2004). Eugene, University of Oregon Libraries, 2013. U Oregon
  2. Ethan Zuckerman. Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection. W. W. Norton & Company, 2013. Amazon
  3. Bettina Anja Frei. Sociality Revisited?: The Use of the Internet and Mobile Phones in Urban Cameroon. Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon, 2013. Langaa RPCIG


  1. Uchenna Jerome Orji. Cybersecurity Law and Regulation. Wolf Legal Publishers: The Netherlands, 2012. Wolf Publishers
  2. Will Mutua & Mbwana Alliy. Innovative Africa: the new Face of Africa. Afrinnovator, Sept 3, 2012. Amazzon
  3. Alan Knott-Craig. Mobinomics: Mxit and Africa’s Mobile Revolution. Bookstorm, 2012. BDLive
  4. Jenna Burrell. Invisible Users: Youth in the Internet Cafes of Urban Ghana. MIT Press, 2012. Google
  5. Rebecca McKinnon. Consent of the Networked. Basic Books: New York, 2012. Website
  6. Atiga Haj Ahmed. The Readiness of the Sudanese Universities for On-line Learning. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. LAP Publishing


  1. “M-Government: Mobile Technologies for Responsive Governments and Connected Societies,” ITU, OECD, 2011. ITU
  2. Broadband Strategies Handbook. The World Bank: Washington DC, Sept 2011. InfoDev
  3. Transforming Education: The Power of ICT Policies. UNESCO: France, 2011. UNESCO
  4. Timothy Waema and Edith Ofwona Adera (eds.). Local Governance and ICTs in Africa. IDRC: Pambazuka Press, 2011. IDRC
  5. Mark D. J. Williams, Rebecca Mayer, and Michael Minges. Africa’s ICT Infrastructure. The World Bank: Washington DC, 2011. Scribd
  6. Sukhdeep Brar, Sara E Farley, Wagner, Caroline S., Robert Hawkins. Science, Technology and Innovation in Uganda. The World Bank: Washington DC, 2011. Google
  7. Adomi, Esharenana E. (ed.). Handbook of Research on Information Communication Technology Policy: Trends, Issues and Advancements Source. IGI Global, 2011. IGI
  8. Juma, Calestous. “Advances in Science, Technology, and Engineering.” Chap. 2 in The New Harvest: Agricultural Innovation in Africa. New York: Oxford University Press, January 2011. Belfer Center
  9. Yongsoo Kim, Tim Kelly, Siddhartha Raja. Building broadband: strategies and policies for the developing world. The World Bank: Washington DC, 2010. Google
  10. Arnold Picot, Josef Lorenz. ICT for the Next Five Billion People. Springer, 2010. Google
  11. Vivien Foster and Cecilia Briceño-Garmendia, eds. Africa’s infrastructure: a time for transformation. The World Bank: Washington DC, 2010. Google
  12. Grosskurth, Jasper. Futures of Technology in Africa. STT: The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010. Study Centre for Technology Trends
  13. Wasserman, Herman (ed.). Popular Media, Democracy and Development in Africa. London: Routledge, 2010. Routledge
  14. McKinsey Global Institute. Lions on the Move – the Progress and Potential of African Economies. MGI: Seoul, San Francisco, London, Washington DC,
    2010. MGI
  15. Williams, Mark. Broadband for Africa: Developing Backbone Communications Networks in the Region. Washington D.C: The World Bank, 2010. Google
  16. Fernández-Ardèvol, M., Ros, A. (eds.). Communication Technologies in Latin America and Africa: A multidisciplinary perspective. Barcelona, IN3, 2010. UOC
  17. Don Osborn. African Languages in a Digital Age: Challenges and opportunities for indigenous language computing. HSRC Press, 2010. IDRC
  18. Adolfo Villafiorita. E-Infrastructure and E-Services on Developing Countries. Springer, 2010. Google
  19. Ekina, Sokari. SMS uprising: Mobile Phone Activism in Africa. Pambazuka Press, 2010. Google
  20. Rizk, Nagla and Shaver, Lea. Access to Knowledge in Egypt. Bloomsbury Academic, 2010. AUC


  1. Ioannis N. Kessides, Roger G. Noll, and Nancy C. Benjamin. Regionalizing Telecommunications Reform in West Africa. BNPP, November 2009. World Bank
  2. William J. Drake, ed. Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All. August 2009. Internet Governance Forum
  3. Buskens, Ineke and Webb, Anne (eds.). African Women and ICTs. IDRC, 2009. IDRC
  4. de Bruijin, Mirjam. Mobile phones: The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa. African Books Collective, 2009. Google
  5. Ernest J., III Wilson and Kelvin R. Wong. Negotiating the net in Africa. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2007. Google
  6. Gianluca Misuraca. E-Governance in Africa: From Theory to Action. African World Press, IDRC, 2007. IDRC
  7. NICI: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt. Economic Commission for Africa, 2007. UNECA


  1. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Information Economy Report 2006: The Development Perspective. United Nations, 2006. Google
  2. Arthur Goldstuck. The hitchhiker’s guide to going mobile. Double Storey Books: Cape Town, 2007. Google
  3. Nancy J. Hafkin and Sophia Huyer, Cinderella or cyberella?: empowering women in the knowledge society. Kumarian Press, Inc., 2006. Google
  4. Parkinson, Sarah, Telecentres, access and development: experience and lessons from Uganda and South Africa. ITDG Publishing, 2005. Google
  5. Florence E. Etta and Laurent Elder, ed. At the Crossroads: ICT Policy Making in East Africa. East African Educational Publishers and IDRC, 2005. IDRC
  6. Perspectives and policies on ICT in society, ed. Chrisanthi Avgerou and Jacques Berleur, IFIP TC9, 2005. Google
  7. Pierre Guislain. Connecting Sub-Saharan Africa. The World Bank: Washington DC, 2005. Google
  8. Uganda Communications Commission. Funding and Implementing Universal Access, Fountain Publishers, 2005. IDRC
  9. Sarah Parkinson. Telecentres, Access and Development, Practical Action Publishing, 2005. IDRC
  10. “Development of local Internet traffic in West and Central Africa and beyond,” Panos Institute West Africa, 2005. CIPACO
  11. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Tiyambe Zeleza, Adebayo O. Olukoshi, Codesria. African Universities in the Twenty-first Century. CODESRIA, 2004. Google
  12. Patrick J. Brunet, Oumarou Tiemtoré, and Marie-Claude Vettraino-Soulard. Ethics and the Internet in West Africa: toward an ethical model of integration, Africa World Press, Inc., 2004. Google
  13. James, Tina, ed. Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa: Volume 3, IDRC, 2004. IDRC
  14. Etta, Florence and Sheila Parvyn-Wamahiu, eds. Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa: Volume 2, IDRC, 2003. IDRC
  15. Thioune, Ramata Molo. Information and Communication Technologies for Development in Africa: Volume 1, IDRC, 2003. IDRC
  16. Warschauer, Mark. Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the Digital Divide, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 2003. Google


  1. Marcus F. Franda. Launching into cyberspace: Internet development and politics in five world, Lynne Rienner Publishers: Boulder, CO, 2001. Google
  2. Eva M. Rathgeber and Edith Ofwona Adera (eds.). Gender and the Information Revolution in Africa, IDRC, 2000. IDRC
  3. Osita Ogbu and Paschal Mihyo (eds.). African Youth on the Information Highway, IDRC, 2000. IDRC
  4. Eli M. Noam. Telecommunications in Africa, Oxford University Press, 1999. Google
  5. Panel on Planning for Scientific and Technological Information (STI) Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa, National Research Council. Bridge Builders: African Experiences with Information and Communication Technology, NRC, 1996. The National Academies Press
  6. Bennetta Jules-Rosette. Terminal signs: computers and social change in Africa, Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin, New York, 1990. Open Library