Post Archive for September 2011
Generally speaking, heavily Francophone African nations face an extra challenge in communicating developments to the global community. How can they overcome this barrier?
Ghana’s ICT initiatives, Kenyan fiber projects: will SEACOM, TEAMS, or EASSy succeed?, broadband investment in Ethiopia (via U.S. or China?)
In Nigeria, a study says, elections held last April brought the use of social media in the political field to new levels. UN Africa Renewal’s AndrĂ©-Michel Essoungou reports.
3G action: Airtel in Rwanda, Algerian license bidding, Gambian expansion; 4G licensing in South Africa & Kenya, costs addressed in Kenya, Nigeria; new smartphones abound
Ethiopian efforts to develop its monopolistic ICT sector, Rwanda’s drive for tech in East Africa, Kenya positions itself as African broadband leader.
Greater competition in Senegal’s mobile market (Sudatel), broadband in South Africa ahead of FIFA 2010, and Ugandan President Museveni’s views on ICT.