Post Archive for June 2010
Turning science into business, Rwanda defends investment, Nigeria combats cybercrime, more reasons to invest in Africa

Determining exactly who uses the Internet is a daunting task. One can either measure the number of registered IP addresses within a country or take a survey and extrapolate the results. Each method has its flaws; the first underestimates the number of Internet users (there are often multiple per IP …

If you’re keen on searching for African ICT terms on Twitter every day, then you may well be aware of a new website: The Kuyu Project. The site went live this past week (it was only registered on June 1st) and already has a mission statement, a blog (which is …
WACS overview, is China colonialist or neo-mercantilist?
SA broadband caps, possible WiBro network, Rwanda: gov’t vs. private, how does ICT really contribute to GDP?
Activism, Office 2010, ACE cable in Liberia, Malawis WiMAX, mobile apps in E. Africa, M-Pesa via Economist