Post Archive for October 2009

The recently-launched Africa4All Project (run by Gov2u, a Greek NGO, and co-funded by the 9th European Development Fund by ACP Group and EUROPAID) aims to bring the relationship between African government and African citizen into the 21st century by means of ICT. Basic goals of the endeavor are increased political …
Nigeria’s e-learning, broadband access gap, M-Pesa’s success, GLO-3G
A recent opinion article in Rwanda’s New Times suggests that more Rwandans would go online if ISP costs were lowered, regardless of bandwidth. The author feels that many Rwandans don’t have the need for fast broadband speeds and will remain alienated by high access costs. Of course, the costs are …
African domain names needed for optimal progress, Ghana’s ICT history, Internet dating, Rwanda’s Seacom woes

It may be common fact that Africa is currently receiving the most attention in regards to Internet and communications development. Attention can be gauged in many ways: investment dollars, number of organizations, or even by bandwidth. Curious to see how well-represented individual African nations are in the ICT progress game, …

Update: The page has been removed due to difficulties keeping the content current.
Outlook, map, statistics, news, infrastructure, costs, foreign investment, government role, telecoms companies, education/training, tech info, articles and news links